
Bring the party to your outdoor space with a garden bar

Bring the party to your outdoor space with a garden bar

Nobody could have predicted, in March 2020,  the impact that our outdoor spaces and gardens would have on our health and well-being. They became a place to enjoy the sun and fresh air and, more importantly, somewhere to de-stress and relax.

Forbidden to leave our homes – apart from essential visits to the supermarket or to walk our dogs –  we were in lockdown. Holidays were cancelled, days and evenings out a thing of the past, and even walks in the park were put on hold.

Covid threw us into a state of limbo and isolation. We searched for things to do that would occupy our time, overcome lockdown boredom, and peel us away from our televisions. Decorating, DIY and decluttering our homes all became popular activities.

With a desire to be outdoors, garden maintenance and re-designing our outdoor space also became a favoured trend. Money saved from social outings and holidays was spent elsewhere. Hot tubs, garden furniture, and perhaps one of the most popular and fun additions to some gardens was the outdoor bar. Pining for the pub, many decided to create their own watering holes, and the popularity hasn't waned. At least we can invite our friends and family to our homes for a pint or cheeky glass of wine now!

Outdoor bars - a place to entertain and hang out. 

It's the ultimate way to enjoy the summer months, and there's nothing better than relaxing in your own space. There's no need to dress up, and you decide when closing time is! Invite friends to bring a bottle, enjoy a barbecue and experience a fun and unique experience.

From rustic to sleek contemporary and tiki, to name a few, there's a design and size that's perfect for you. Whether you purchase a garden bar, convert a shed or summerhouse, or install a wall-mounted bar, you'll find endless choices. 

Design and decoration.

This is the fun part, and you can be as creative as you like, after all, it is your bar! Add those all-important personal touches that will create an ambience and bring your bar to life:

  • bar signs
  • wall art  
  • lighting
  • plants
  • and, of course, your favourite tipples

Pallet bars

Pallet bars are simple yet effective, and if you're good at DIY, you can build your own using recycled materials. There are plenty of online tutorials and set-by-step guides available on YouTube.

Add bistro tables, garden benches, or picnic tables for an authentic pub garden feel. String lights add the final touch and are a simple addition that will create a soft glow on warm summer evenings.

Convert a shed or summerhouse

This is an excellent idea if you want to create an enclosed space with a pull-down hatch or shutter window that will open for your guests. Add a fold-down bar top and bar stools, attach optics to a wall and install an ice machine and wine fridge. Finally, add lighting with low-wattage bulbs to give a pub-like atmosphere.

Tiki bars

 Turn your garden into a tropical paradise and serve cocktails such as the Mai Tai or Zombie to your guests. If you have a dedicated area with decking, this option is ideal. Vibrant and fun decorations will bring your bar to life: tiki masks, carvings, hula girl motifs, tropical plants and bright throws and cushions in your seating area. When the sun goes down bring warmth and light to your garden with a fire pit or fire bowl.

Pre-built bars

You'll be serving drinks in no time when you opt for a pre-built garden bar. Add bar stools, a personalised illuminated sign, mirrors and hanging glass racks above the bar top. Relax in a cosy seating area, and finally, when night falls, a fire table will complete your garden bar and mesmerise you with its dancing flames. 

  • Judith Ray
Bee ready for spring!

Bee ready for spring!

Hi, I'm Judith, my husband Scott and I are co-founders of Jude's Garden. We're passionate about our garden and eagerly await the arrival of spring and the chance to get outside to retrieve it from the clutches of winter. Whether we're tending to it, relaxing in it, or inviting family and friends for a barbecue or cocktails, there's nothing like the outdoor life to bring a smile to our faces.

Springtime brings:

  • longer days
  • the first flowers
  • the first leaves appearing on the trees
  • morning birdsong
  • putting away our heavy winter clothing
  • waving goodbye to the winter months

This year, the 20th of March is when day and night will be of equal length as we welcome the spring equinox. Dark evenings are banished, and we enjoy the first warm rays of sunshine. Leaves and blossoms appear on the trees, and the hedgerows turn green. Tender shoots and flowers emerge, attracting butterflies and bees, and we wake to the sound of the birds morning chorus. Animals and insects are coming out of hibernation: hedgehogs, dormice, ladybirds, butterflies and bumblebees.

It's time to salvage our gardens, rake away the fallen leaves and debris and think about what to plant to fill them with colour and scent in the summer months.

Create the perfect habitat for bumblebees as they emerge from hibernation.

Bees are crucial for our planet, but sadly, recent years have seen their numbers decline. Flowers, vegetables and herbs provide a vital food source. If we can fill our gardens with nectar and pollen-rich plants, we can help to protect them. Not only will your outdoor space look beautiful, but you'll also help safeguard nature's delicate balancing act.

Queen bumblebees hibernate at the end of summer after the rest of the colony has died. After mating and building up fat from nectar and pollen, they will burrow underground until spring arrives. Emerging at the end of winter, they will feed before finding the perfect nest site to lay their eggs.

Vital for our ecosystem, they support the growth of trees, plants, flowers and crops. Encouraging them into our gardens by filling them with an abundance of tasty treats is one way that you can help.

10 easy ways to help bees offers tips and advice on how you can create the perfect environment for them.

Provide a nectar-rich garden.

There's an array of flowers, fruit, vegetables and herbs to choose from if you want to introduce nectar (for energy) and pollen (for protein) into your garden:

  • cosmos, sunflowers, sweet peas and geraniums
  • raspberries and strawberries
  • squashes and courgettes
  • chamomile, rosemary and thyme

Include a range of flowering times and a variety of plants, and avoid the use of pesticides. If you have the space, introduce some trees, apples and cherries are the best. Leave some weeds in your garden, and let a small area grow wild bees love dandelions and thistles.

plants-for-bees offers information on what to plant to provide nectar and pollen-rich habitats.

Grow flowers and vegetables all year round.

If you're going to grow plants, you should start sowing the seeds in February and March. But with a chill in the air and the likelihood of morning frost, what's the solution?

Cold frames, or mini-greenhouses, provide a haven and are ideal for protecting your seedlings or hardening off bedding plants. By positioning it in a south-facing area of your garden, you will ensure that it gathers warmth from the sun and stores heat overnight.

Providing a 12-month growing period, you can enjoy tasty winter vegetables, salad greens, tomatoes, peppers, and so much more.

Various sizes are available to suit any outdoor space, and we offer a range of specifications.

View our cold frames for more details and select your perfect one.

  • Judith Ray
Relaxing outdoor activity ideas

Relaxing outdoor activity ideas

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pellentesque pharetra ligula, et tristique nisi vulputate ut. Donec gravida dolor enim, ac consequat erat pulvinar vitae. Etiam elit felis, rhoncus sed ante sit amet, posuere hendrerit mi. Nulla id consequat tortor. Aenean facilisis mattis lorem, non eleifend sem placerat id. Curabitur nec tempor sapien. Sed vitae tortor tempor, sagittis ligula et, posuere enim. Nullam sit amet lacus tellus. Phasellus a arcu in nulla congue dictum non ac arcu. Cras blandit semper nisl ut bibendum.

Vestibulum nec imperdiet mi, eget tristique lorem. Pellentesque consectetur nisi sed lorem malesuada, non rhoncus sem tristique. Integer vitae felis laoreet, blandit ante eget, bibendum odio. Nulla facilisi. Donec at enim eros. Aenean vel massa et magna lobortis malesuada non id ante. Sed vel ultricies ex. Suspendisse at malesuada lectus, id vehicula erat. Quisque sed sollicitudin metus. Sed sit amet tincidunt augue, sollicitudin euismod ligula. Quisque sed consequat risus, id sagittis orci. Praesent non malesuada risus.

Donec sagittis, lacus vitae porta feugiat, sem turpis cursus nisl, ut convallis erat nunc ut ante. Cras id purus ut orci semper ullamcorper. Sed vestibulum pellentesque risus a dapibus. Vivamus in urna semper, pretium orci ac, auctor dolor. Nulla non dui sit amet velit molestie viverra in ac metus. Vivamus pellentesque elit sed interdum rhoncus. Morbi nec interdum nisi. Donec accumsan mi at bibendum porttitor. Nunc non condimentum orci. Cras consectetur, mi eu imperdiet feugiat, nunc risus eleifend leo, et fringilla sem quam in dui. Phasellus nec ornare nunc. Morbi eu mollis sem, nec tincidunt risus. Aliquam ultricies rutrum pellentesque. Suspendisse non tortor lobortis, mattis nibh tincidunt, porttitor dolor. Donec auctor augue lectus, et tempus arcu posuere sit amet.

  • Kezia Euodia Setiadi
Designing your semi-outdoor space to its maximum potential

Designing your semi-outdoor space to its maximum potential

This is a sample blog post, the following text is filler text to show you how your blog posts will look once you have created them. If you would like us to hide the blog until you are ready to include one please let us know in the client portal

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pellentesque pharetra ligula, et tristique nisi vulputate ut. Donec gravida dolor enim, ac consequat erat pulvinar vitae. Etiam elit felis, rhoncus sed ante sit amet, posuere hendrerit mi. Nulla id consequat tortor. Aenean facilisis mattis lorem, non eleifend sem placerat id. Curabitur nec tempor sapien. Sed vitae tortor tempor, sagittis ligula et, posuere enim. Nullam sit amet lacus tellus. Phasellus a arcu in nulla congue dictum non ac arcu. Cras blandit semper nisl ut bibendum.

Vestibulum nec imperdiet mi, eget tristique lorem. Pellentesque consectetur nisi sed lorem malesuada, non rhoncus sem tristique. Integer vitae felis laoreet, blandit ante eget, bibendum odio. Nulla facilisi. Donec at enim eros. Aenean vel massa et magna lobortis malesuada non id ante. Sed vel ultricies ex. Suspendisse at malesuada lectus, id vehicula erat. Quisque sed sollicitudin metus. Sed sit amet tincidunt augue, sollicitudin euismod ligula. Quisque sed consequat risus, id sagittis orci. Praesent non malesuada risus.

Donec sagittis, lacus vitae porta feugiat, sem turpis cursus nisl, ut convallis erat nunc ut ante. Cras id purus ut orci semper ullamcorper. Sed vestibulum pellentesque risus a dapibus. Vivamus in urna semper, pretium orci ac, auctor dolor. Nulla non dui sit amet velit molestie viverra in ac metus. Vivamus pellentesque elit sed interdum rhoncus. Morbi nec interdum nisi. Donec accumsan mi at bibendum porttitor. Nunc non condimentum orci. Cras consectetur, mi eu imperdiet feugiat, nunc risus eleifend leo, et fringilla sem quam in dui. Phasellus nec ornare nunc. Morbi eu mollis sem, nec tincidunt risus. Aliquam ultricies rutrum pellentesque. Suspendisse non tortor lobortis, mattis nibh tincidunt, porttitor dolor. Donec auctor augue lectus, et tempus arcu posuere sit amet.

  • Kezia Euodia Setiadi